Developer diary entry #1

This is the first of the developer diaries about the game Purification Church.

It started beginning of february this year when someone on a messageboard suggested, in jest, the opposite of a corruption porn game. A game where, as he called it “finding some dirty whore in the gutter and slowly bringing her back to dignity and self-respect”.

Purification, someone else called it.

Honestly, I think it was joke, but I’ve always liked taking a joke to its serious conclusion.

The world we live in

And honestly in this world of boobstreamers, e-thots and an ever further decline into selfish, disconnected and other debased ways of living and relating interpersonally, I find the subject appealing vicariously as I find myself and others yearning for a purer way of life.

Of course this touches on a lot of different controversial areas. Could one ever reform a whore? And if one could, should one try? Does it even work for a hentai game to do so? Isn’t corruption or at least succumbing to our beastly side an essential part of sexuality? And isn’t it a form of cuckery to go with a non-virgin in the first place? These are some of the discussions I’ve seen and that go on, as well as when I contemplate it from different sides inside the confines of my own imagination. It touches on a lot of things that don’t necessarily have easy answers and that’s what makes exploring this subject interesting. Rather than invent an answer, I will try to explore these in the game and with that, allow players to explore it.

A myriad of corruptions

One thing that struck me early is that rather than just focusing on the dirty whore angle, it makes sense to broaden it to a range of various corruptions. In some games you corrupt through drugs, others through mind control, some through authority, some through blackmail. Are there then not a whole range of corruptions that could potentially be purified?

On top of that I think we sometimes lack a map of what is pure and what isn’t and this was the first subject I had to tackle in laying the groundwork for this game. Why is it important to have a good paradigm of where exactly purity is seperated from corruption? There is a developer entry being worked on of which the ink has not yet dried and you’ll be able to read it here at some point in the future.

A world to explore

I’ve always been charmed by games that have a texture to its world beyond the abstract game components.

Where there is a world to explore and figure out. I’m sure it’s a significant risk that I’m taking, as an h-game should probably be light-hearted and somewhat have the depth of a small talk conversation of a first date. I can’t shake the idea that there should be some more serious themes to this specific game idea and I’m willing to run the risk of that making it a niche game that isn’t for all people, and that a small group of people will love.

There are some forces pulling me towards making this that I find hard to articulate. The desire to purge, purify, clean and either burn or convert the corrupt in the world.

It is a very ambitious project where you get to experience meet various girls with corrupt backgrounds and choose to either focus on either one or multiple and purify them, even as you fight against the corrupt in a dark world full of secrets.

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